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I believe in three anchors to our society:       1. Continual learning and open sharing of knowledge,      2. Informed leadership 

3. Collaboration.  I trust the part AI has to play in the enhancement of humankind. My role is to lead and actively participate in cutting edge research on both innovative and applicative AI while mentoring persons into leadership in research and society.

Professional Experience

Research Scientist

IBM-Research Africa (Nairobi Lab.)

Subgroup Analysis, Future of Health, Machine Learning, Knowledge Graphs, Knowledge Engineering

Ph.D. Candidate

Smart Data Analytics - Uni Bonn​

Research Area: NLP,  & Knowledge Graphs

Topic: Aligning Text with Knowledge Graphs


Other Activities:

Master Thesis Supervision: 6 students  

Conference Organisation: CS CUBS

Tutorial Fellow

Department of Computing - JKUAT​

Duties: Lecturing in Computer Science, Curriculum Design

Administration: Exams Coordinator 2013 - 2015 


2019 - 2021

- Answer KiNG : A Domain Knowledge Graph-based Question Answering System, funded by the German Ministry for Research and Innovation through the Software Campus.

Funded Research Visits


- NAACL - North American Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics (Minneapolis, Minnesota - USA)


Semantic Web Conference (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

- 2017

29th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLI)- University of Toulouse (France), 17-28 July, 2017

Google Scholar

H-Index : 5;  i10-Index : 4  -- September, 2021



2021 - Publications with Peer Review Process

  1. Anson Bastos, Kuldeep Singh, Abhishek Nadgeri, Saeedeh Shekarpour, Isaiah Onando Mulang', Johannes Hoffart:
    HopfE: Knowledge Graph Representation Learning using Inverse Hopf Fibrations. CoRR abs/2108.05774 (2021)

  2. Abhishek Nadgeri, Anson Bastos, Kuldeep Singh, Isaiah Onando Mulang', Johannes Hoffart, Saeedeh Shekarpour, Vijay Saraswat:
    KGPool: Dynamic Knowledge Graph Context Selection for Relation Extraction. ACL/IJCNLP (Findings) 2021: 535-548

  3. Anson Bastos, Abhishek Nadgeri, Kuldeep Singh, Isaiah Onando Mulang', Saeedeh Shekarpour, Johannes Hoffart, Manohar Kaul:
    RECON: Relation Extraction using Knowledge Graph Context in a Graph Neural Network. WWW 2021: 1673-1685.

  4. Manoj Prabhakar Kannan Ravi, Kuldeep Singh, Isaiah Onando Mulang', Saeedeh Shekarpour, Johannes Hoffart, Jens Lehmann:
    CHOLAN: A Modular Approach for Neural Entity Linking on Wikipedia and Wikidata. EACL 2021: 504-514

  5. Isaiah Onando Mulang', Kuldeep Singh, Chaitali Prabhu, Abhishek Nadgeri, Johannes Hoffart, Jens Lehmann:
    Evaluating the Impact of Knowledge Graph Context on Entity Disambiguation Models. CIKM 2020: 2157-2160

  6. Jennifer D'Souza, Isaiah Onando Mulang', Sören Auer:
    Ranking Facts for Explaining Answers to Elementary Science Questions. CoRR abs/2110.09036 (2021)

2020 - Publications with Peer Review Process

  1. Isaiah Onando Mulang', Jennifer D'Souza, Sören Auer:
    Fine-tuning BERT with Focus Words for Explanation Regeneration. *SEM@COLING 2020: 125-130

  2. Isaiah Onando Mulang', Kuldeep Singh, Chaitali Prabhu, Abhishek Nadgeri, Johannes Hoffart, Jens Lehmann. Evaluating the Impact of Knowledge Graph Context On Entity Disambiguation Models

  3. Isaiah Onando Mulang', Kuldeep Singh, Akhilesh Vyas, Saeedeh Shekarpour, Maria Esther Vidal, Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann. Encoding Knowledge Graph Entity Aliases in Attentive Neural Network for Wikidata Entity Linking. In Proceedings of the Web and Information System Engineering (WISE) Conference 2020.

​2019 - Publications with a peer review process


  1. Ahmad Sakor, Isaiah Onando Mulang', Kuldeep Singh, Saeedeh Shekarpour, Maria Esther Vidal, Jens Lehmann, and Sören Auer. Old is gold: linguistic driven approach for entity and relation linking of short text. In NAACL HLT, pages 2336–2346, 2019.

​2017 - Publications with a peer review process

  1. Isaiah Onando Mulang',​ Kuldeep Singh, and Fabrizio Orlandi. 2017. Matching Natural Language Relations to Knowledge Graph Properties for Question Answering. In ​ Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems (Semantics2017), Rinke Hoekstra, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Tassilo Pellegrini, and Victor de Boer (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 89-96. DOI:

  2. Kuldeep Singh, ​ Isaiah Onando Mulang'​ , Ioanna Lytra, Mohamad Yaser Jaradeh, Ahmad Sakor, Maria-Esther Vidal, Christoph Lange, and Sören Auer. 2017. Capturing Knowledge in Semantically-typed Relational Patterns to Enhance Relation Linking. In ​ Proceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference ​ (K-CAP 2017). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 31, 8 pages. DOI:

​2014 - Publications with a peer review process

  1. Mulang’ Isaiah, and Waweru Mwangi: “Temporal Absence in Recommendations: a survey of Temporal Patterns in Netflix Prize Data”. IJCSI Vol. 11, Issue 4, July 2014 ISSN: 2320-9801.

  2. Mulang’ Isaiah, and Otieno Fredrick, “Leveraging Linked Data to enhance programmers’ access to government open data” accepted for presentation at IST-Africa 2014. June 2014

Research Scientist

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Fraunhofer IAIS)

Natural Language Processing, Question Answering,

Dialog Systems, Machine Learning, Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge Engineering

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